Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

Even the fittest girl has an Achille's Heel. Mine, sadly, are two specific foods: spaghetti and tacos. I can eat mindfully when it comes to anything else: I use proper portion control, I fill my plate reasonably, and I don't go in for seconds. But spaghetti and tacos, man.... I go in for seconds. And thirds. And more and more. By the time I'm done, I hadn't even realized I had three helpings of spaghetti or four tacos. This is something that I am constantly working on in an effort to live healthier. The good news is that I do follow the 90/10 rule: 90% of healthy and 10% of what I want. Luckily for me, my entire week won't be derailed from one day of spaghetti.

With that said, yesterday was an overall good day. I enjoyed an hour of cardio, pushing it harder and working that much more yielded great results that I'm so proud of! For breakfast, I had my fruit and kale smoothie, which I still encourage you all to try kale in the mornings. I use one cup of kale, one bananas, two cups of frozen fruit, and water (though some prefer yogurt or milk), and blend it all together. My fruit smoothies are so filling and only about 250 calories. If you require more calories in the morning, even it out with a piece of whole wheat toast covered in either peanut butter or hazelnut spread. I still have my mornings of eggs, oatmeal, and toast, but lately, the smoothies have been hitting the spot!

Yesterday was my cardio day. I took my spin class that I always take on Tuesday. This week, I decided that I needed to push myself more. Every time the instructor told me to add "a little more tension," I did, and I added more, pushing myself out of my comfort zone! The results were great! I burned 719 calories in an hour. That's 74 calories more than last week's spin class! Pushing  yourself is hard, but the reward is so worth it!

For lunch, I took some of my leftover ceviche and put it on my veggie sandwich. My veggie sandwich consists of 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tomato, a few slices of onion and mango chutney. Adding that shrimp ceviche on gave me some extra protein (which I really needed after my workout) and it tasted wonderful! You can use leftovers in a variety of ways! You never have to eat leftovers the same way twice!

On my agenda is back and traps at the gym during lunch and a run to and from the youth center before and after work. I've included my accountability report for yesterday: calories burned, my smoothie, and my ceviche sandwich. I hope you all have a wonderful day! The week is already half over... I know you can see the weekend right over the horizon!

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