Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekly Update and Back to Weight Training

School started back this week for myself and for Chloe. I started Monday and Chloe started Wednesday. I was really worried about the added work necessary to get Chloe ready for school in the mornings and all of the classwork I'll have to do myself. Sunday though, I resolved to get everything organized for both of us for the week. First, We got Chloe's backpack ready, most of her lunch made (saving items like sandwiches or wraps for the morning), and her clothes picked out and ironed. For me, I got all of my books ready for my various classes, and checked in on my online classes first thing to have a general overview of what was due, when it was due, and I scheduled, dedicated time to work on my two online classes during the week. Guess what happened? The week was PHENOMENAL! I was still able to workout five days, Chloe was up and ready for school on time, and the lessened stress even helped my husband with getting up and around earlier than usual! It was awesome. I am sad with myself for not doing this earlier and also glad that I finally discovered the secret to morning success. I'm hoping that the upward swing keeps going and we can keep this school year stress-free and as organized as possible.

This week is the last week of my cardio-rich week. I still plan on working out only about 30 minutes a day, but I'm going to start lifting weights again four days a week. I use the website to find various strength training programs. A while back ago, I fell in LOVE with the Fitness Model strength training program and I am starting it back up tomorrow. Sundays are my rest days and Tuesdays and Thursdays are my hourlong cardio days. My days will look like this from now on:

Sunday: Rest
Monday: Chest, Shoulders
Tuesday: Cardio, Abs
Wednesday: Back, Traps
Thursday: Cardio, Abs
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Biceps, Triceps

I am really excited about starting this back up. Even though I didn't lose weight with my last session, it's because I was doing cardio daily and was consuming way too many calories. I was burning about 500 calories a session and consuming an extra 700 calories a day because of this. No bueno right there, folks.

Even though today is my "rest" day, I still wanted to get out there and do something. I took Chloe to play tennis this morning. Her wrist is a little sore from a volleyball practice incident, but she still tried hard and worked her butt off. It makes me so proud to see my daughter loves sports and loves being active. It's a testament to show that a mother and father who promote good health produce children who are healthy. It's got to be a scientific fact.

As far as last week, this is what I did workout wise. I didn't get into the gym but once, but I'm still taking advantage of the sunshine and warmth outside. I know it will be cold soon enough and I'll be spending the bulk of my weeks at the gym come tomorrow.  Here's what I did last week:

Sunday: Tennis and Cross Country Machine
Monday: Cardio/Strength Workout
Tuesday: Run 2 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Run 2 miles
Saturday: Cardio/Strength Workout

Twitter, as usual, was booming last week with inspiration. Of course, you can follow me @summerbuis. Here's just a taste of what happened on Twitter:

Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes Who says that you don't have time to workout? Excuses, excuses!

It's never too late to change your life. Very inspiring

Meal Planning In A Nutshell

Do you really think you can't afford to eat healthy? SparkPeople Online show you exactly what $20 and less can buy!

Need an energy boost but don't like caffeine (like me)? Here are 7 energy-boosting smoothies, without the caffeine!

Shape Magazine adds to the debate on whether eating a big breakfast and small dinner is key to weight loss or not.

I'm looking forward to a great week this week! I've included a little bit of LUNCH-piration of a couple of Chloe's lunches last week and 50 Reasons to Exercise. I love it! Have a great week, friends! Keep up the good work and I'll see you on Twitter!

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