Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013

Happy would be 111th birthday to my grandma! She was my best friend, my mentor, and my mother for the first part of my life. My grandma died in 1993 at the ripe age of 92. The fondest memories I have of her are ones where we were in the garden picking out veggies to use for dinner or in the horse meadow picking dandelion greens for her to put in the pressure cooker. She worked hard, raised nine kids and countless grand kids, and was (and still is) one of my absolute favorite people in the world (along with my grandpa). So happy birthday, Granny! I love you and miss you every single day of my life since you left it. Until we meet again, here is a photo of my uncle, grandma, mom, brother, sister, and myself. This picture must have been taken (obviously) around Christmastime and I'd say in 1991 or 1992. Thanks to my mom for emailing this to me. It's nice to have a picture of my family from my childhood. :)

At any rate, the moral of the story was my grandma was a hard worker. She was up at dawn, took care of her children's children, and made nothing short of a feast for supper every single night. She's my inspiration and I aspire to be as great as she was.

Hard work deserves reward, no matter how small the reward. Today ended up being my rest day. After the hard work I've done in the gym for the last week and a half, my muscles needed a rest. Giving your body a much-needed rest is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and for your general well-being.

My body needed not only rest, but a change. I switched up my usual smoothie breakfast with fresh peach, banana, whole wheat toast, and an egg. It was a wonderfully healthy breakfast that kept me satisfied until well after my regular lunch time. 

For my reward, all of my friends know that I love wine! I had two glasses of wine today, and it was marvelous! Remember that your diet should always be 90/10: 90% healthy choices, 10% smart indulgences. The wine was my smart indulgence today. And likely tomorrow too. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday to come and an equally great weekend! Remember to rest, take care of yourself, and reward yourself. You work hard. You deserve it! 

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